Review in The Waterways Journal

Every office of every towboat company I ever visited had a stack of Waterways Journals, which is why I subscribed to it for several years while I was writing Holding Back the River. I’m thrilled to now appear in its pages via this thoughtful review by David Murray.

Besides being well-written and offering a basinwide understanding of water-management issues affecting the Mississippi River, Kelley’s book is especially timely as Congress debates another huge infrastructure bill, a debate that could last all summer.

Holding Back the River is out today!

I’d like to invite you to attend one of these online events to celebrate the release of my debut book, Holding Back the River

Magers and Quinn Bookstore, 4/21, 7pm Central 

Archived here on YouTube –

Oblong Books and Music, 4/22, 7pm Eastern

Archived here on YouTube –

Hopefully you can buy the book at your local bookstore. It’s also available on Amazon and directly from the publisher.

Book: Park Wonder

I walked more than 30 miles of the Passaic River with landscape artist Matthew Jensen for an essay that appears in Park Wonder. The book also includes essays by Ian Frazier, Ruth Canstein Yablonsky, Karl Fenske, Hazel England, and an introduction by curator, Mary Birmingham.